Before you Visit
Dear Visitor
We look forward to having you here at Medicine Horse!
Before visiting, be sure to review our property rules below
Visitors by appointment only
Due to the confidential nature of the work we do,
please do not visit our facility without an appointment.

What should I wear?
Property Rules
These guidelines were developed in accordance with Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA) guildelines to create a safe, respectful environment for clients, volunteers, horses, and therapists at Medicine Horse (MH).
Safety and confidentiality are always our primary concerns for
clients, volunteers, horses, staff, and anyone on the property.
THERAPEUTIC ENVIRONMENT. Most of the areas at MH, including the office, are used for therapy. When entering MH property, please be mindful that a session may be in progress. If a therapist is with anyone while you are on the property, please pass quietly without interrupting.
DRIVE SLOWLY AT 5 MPH at all times you are on our property.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. Instructions and phone numbers for emergencies are posted in the barn and on the Medicine Horse office door. The office is located near the front door and the phone is on the desk inside. If there is an emergency and you must enter the office while a session is in progress, knock first and wait for the door to be opened. Please note: the office phone is to be used only for emergencies.
A first-aid and venom-extractor kit are both located in the main office. AED is located in the main barn right outside the office and bathroom.
COMMUNITY. We are a safe and inclusive environment and expect our volunteers to uphold these values while working with Medicine Horse.
NO SMOKING. No use of tobacco, smokeless tobacco, or vaping products on the Medicine Horse property, please.
ALCOHOL/DRUG USE. Being around horses requires a clear head. Please do not use drugs or alcohol before or during your time at Medicine Horse. If we suspect that you are under the influence, we will ask you to leave the property.
PARKING. Please park in designated areas only to the side of the main barn. Do not park on the grass or block the roadway. There is overflow parking available back by the trailers as well.
OUTSIDE ANIMALS. Other than service animals, no outside animals are permitted on the Medicine Horse property, especially in parked cars. Please leave your furry companions at home.
FAMILY AND FRIENDS. You are not permitted to bring additional individuals with you during any volunteer shift. Any family members or friends that would like to participate in volunteering MUST complete the volunteer application, liability release and be scheduled to volunteer.
Do not leave gates open or turnout without permission from the staff, make sure to latch properly behind you.
Always wear sturdy closed-toe shoes and work gloves (optional).
Do not feed the horses or offer treats, even if they act hungry (they always act hungry). Feeding treats can encourage bad habits and can also cause health issues.
Do not remove a horse from a stall
Horses are unable to see directly in front or behind them, be mindful of your position to them.
Never walk behind a horse without proper safety measures (taught in orientation)
Be aware of biting or nippy horses, do not show your fingers.